This is a screen print from Adobe Media Player plus my protest. Taiwan is an independent nation and is not a province of China. The only country in the world that thinks Taiwan is a province of China is "China". Other countries have kowtowed to China's fantasies, but the reality is that Taiwan is a state with its own government, elections, currency and defined territory. Taiwan negotiates its own treaties and has its own president. By definition, a province of a country, can not and does not do this. In addition, in the CIA World Fact Book https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tw.html , Taiwan is listed independently of any country and has its own national flag and capital. Clearly, Taiwan is not a Province of China, therefore, it is inappropriate to list Taiwan as "province of China." Google Map had mislisted this before, but they've made the correction already. Adobe, I am looking foward to see your correction. Adobe申訴的客服連結 需ema...