Along Came Polly It's not about what happened in the past... or what you think might happen in the future. It's about the ride, for Christ's sake. There's no point going through all this crap... if you're not gonna enjoy the ride. And you know what? When you least expect it, something great might come along... something better than you even planned for. 其實這部片當初上檔時並沒有很注意, 只覺得是一般的Comedy / Romance 票房也沒特別的大賣, 不過當dvd出來時, 我那美國室友居然強力推薦 well, 那就來看看吧! 看完Q_Q 故事主要是講一個事事評估風險,生活井井有序的保險評估員Reuben Feffer, 在照著自己的生涯規劃, 娶了自己認為該共度一生的女子, 買了房子, 到某個島上度蜜月時, 新婚的老婆居然跟個著潛水教練偷腥還被抓包.... 獨自回來後無意間遇到自己的高中同學Polly; 而她是個和Reuben完全相反的類型, 隨心所欲, 過著無拘無束的日子, 脫線到一個無可救藥的境界.... 期望值 每個人都有吧, 期待做了什麼之後就會有著什麼樣的回報, 為了怕錯所以不敢踏出那一步... 當我不抱任何期待時, 順其自然...要說不希望發生好事是不可能的, unexpect the expected, maybe, easier, if not, so what. ;) 過去的太沈重, 未來又太遙遠, 照著該走的路繼續吧...